Global Innovation Index - India Portal
India's GII Status

India's GII Status

Indias Rank in Global Innovation Index
Index Indicator 2016
Change in Rank
1 Institutions 96 104 8
1.1. Political environment 98 109 11
1.1.1 Political stability and absence of violence/terrorism 113 124 11
1.1.2 Government effectiveness 82 82 0
1.2. Regulatory environment 77 81 4
1.2.1 Regulatory quality 99 107 8
1.2.2 Rule of law 66 63 -3
1.2.3 Cost of redundancy dismissal 67 70 3
1.3. Business environment 117 130 13
1.3.1 Ease of starting a business 114 125 11
1.3.2 Ease of resolving insolvency 110 118 8
1.3.3 Ease of paying taxes 109 120 11
2 Human capital and research 63 103 40
2.1. Education 118 126 8
2.1.1 Expenditure on education 83 90 7
2.1.2 Government expenditure on education per pupil, secondary 83 82 -1
2.1.3 School life expectancy 92 95 3
2.1.4 Assessment in reading, mathematics, and science 62 62 0
2.1.5 Pupil-teacher ratio, secondary 103 97 -6
2.2. Tertiary education 67 123 56
2.2.1 Tertiary enrolment 87 85 -2
2.2.2 Graduates in science and engineering 8 n/a 8
2.2.3 Tertiary inbound mobility 99 112 13
2.3. Research and development (R&D) 31 44 13
2.3.1 Researchers 77 75 -2
2.3.2 Gross expenditure on R&D (GERD) 40 42 2
2.3.3 Global R&D companies, average expenditure top 3 20 n/a 20
2.3.4 QS university ranking average score top 3 universities 20 28 8
3 Infrastructure 87 87 0
3.1. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) 86 86 0
3.1.1 ICT access 108 115 7
3.1.2 ICT use 107 117 10
3.1.3 Government's online service 57 57 0
3.1.4 Online e-participation 40 40 0
3.2. General infrastructure 52 43 -9
3.2.1 Electricity output 91 94 3
3.2.2 Logistics performance 52 52 0
3.2.3 Gross capital formation 18 14 -4
3.3. Ecological sustainability 109 117 8
3.3.1 GDP per unit of energy use 63 65 2
3.3.2 Environmental performance 110 126 16
3.3.3 ISO 14001 environmental certificates 66 70 4
4 Market sophistication 33 72 39
4.1. Credit 78 80 2
4.1.1 Ease of getting credit 39 34 -5
4.1.2 Domestic credit to private sector 62 64 2
4.1.3 Microfinance institutions' gross loan portfolio 43 50 7
4.2. Investment 30 42 12
4.2.1 Ease of protecting minority investors 8 7 -1
4.2.2 Market capitalization 21 24 3
4.2.3 Total value of stocks traded 21 25 4
4.2.4 Venture capital deals 32 35 3
4.3. Trade, competition, & market scale 20 104 84
4.3.1 Applied tariff rate, weighted mean 99 109 10
4.3.2 Intensity of local competition 96 88 -8
4.3.3 Domestic market scale 3 n/a 3
5 Business sophistication 57 116 59
5.1. Knowledge workers 86 132 46
5.1.1 Employment in knowledge-intensive services n/a n/a n/a
5.1.2 Firms offering formal training 42 98 56
5.1.3 GERD performed by business enterprise 45 43 -2
5.1.4 GERD financed by business enterprise n/a n/a n/a
5.1.5 Females employed with advanced degrees n/a n/a n/a
5.2. Innovation linkages 43 52 9
5.2.1 University/industry research collaboration 49 48 -1
5.2.2 State of cluster development 28 25 -3
5.2.3 GERD financed by abroad n/a n/a n/a
5.2.4 Joint venture/strategic alliance deals 37 51 14
5.2.5 Patent families filed in at least two offices 37 52 15
5.3. Knowledge absorption 66 99 33
5.3.1 Intellectual property payments 32 42 10
5.3.2 High-tech imports 66 70 4
5.3.3 ICT services imports 70 74 4
5.3.4 Foreign direct investment, net inflows 86 98 12
5.3.5 Research talent in business enterprise 31 n/a 31
6 Knowledge and technology outputs 43 49 6
6.1. Knowledge creation 57 59 2
6.1.1 Patent applications by origin 54 53 -1
6.1.2 PCT international applications by origin  51 49 -2
6.1.3 Utility model applications by origin n/a n/a n/a
6.1.4 Scientific and technical publications 77 77 0
6.1.5 Citable documents H index 22 23 1
6.2. Knowledge impact 48 84 36
6.2.1 Growth rate of GDP per person engaged 6 38 32
6.2.2 New business density 101 99 -2
6.2.3 Total computer software spending 62 68 6
6.2.4 ISO 9001 quality certificates 59 57 -2
6.2.5 High-tech and medium high-tech output 36 32 -4
6.3. Knowledge diffusion 26 34 8
6.3.1 Intellectual property receipts 45 57 12
6.3.2 High-tech exports 37 39 2
6.3.3 ICT services exports 1 1 0
6.3.4 Foreign direct investment, net outflows 60 92 32
7 Creative outputs 94 95 1
7.1. Intangible assets 98 101 3
7.1.1 Trademark application class count by origin 72 75 3
7.1.2 Industrial designs by origin 72 n/a 72
7.1.3 ICTs and business model creation 87 84 -3
7.1.4 ICTs and organizational model creation 64 86 22
7.2. Creative goods and services 72 77 5
7.2.1 Cultural and creative services exports 45 59 14
7.2.2 National feature films produced 54 65 11
7.2.3 Global entertainment and media market 59 58 -1
7.2.4 Printing and publishing output 84 84 0
7.2.5 Creative goods exports 16 18 2
7.3. Online creativity 101 78 -23
7.3.1 Generic top-level domains (gTLDs) 98 104 6
7.3.2 Country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs) 84 92 8
7.3.3 Wikipedia monthly edits 96 102 6
7.3.4 Video uploads on YouTube 68 68 0
Indicators where Indias rank has increased
Index Indicator 2016
Increase By
1.1.1 Political stability and absence of violence/terrorism 113 124 11
1.2.1 Regulatory quality 99 107 8
1.2.3 Cost of redundancy dismissal 67 70 3
1.3.1 Ease of starting a business 114 125 11
1.3.2 Ease of resolving insolvency 110 118 8
1.3.3 Ease of paying taxes 109 120 11
2.1.1 Expenditure on education 83 90 7
2.1.3 School life expectancy 92 95 3
2.2.2 Graduates in science and engineering 8 n/a 8
2.2.3 Tertiary inbound mobility 99 112 13
2.3.2 Gross expenditure on R&D (GERD) 40 42 2
2.3.3 Global R&D companies, average expenditure top 3 20 n/a 20
2.3.4 QS university ranking average score top 3 universities 20 28 8
3.1.1 ICT access 108 115 7
3.1.2 ICT use 107 117 10
3.2.1 Electricity output 91 94 3
3.3.1 GDP per unit of energy use 63 65 2
3.3.2 Environmental performance 110 126 16
3.3.3 ISO 14001 environmental certificates 66 70 4
4.1.2 Domestic credit to private sector 62 64 2
4.1.3 Microfinance institutions' gross loan portfolio 43 50 7
4.2.2 Market capitalization 21 24 3
4.2.3 Total value of stocks traded 21 25 4
4.2.4 Venture capital deals 32 35 3
4.3.1 Applied tariff rate, weighted mean 99 109 10
4.3.3 Domestic market scale 3 n/a 3
5.1.2 Firms offering formal training 42 98 56
5.2.4 Joint venture/strategic alliance deals 37 51 14
5.2.5 Patent families filed in at least two offices 37 52 15
5.3.1 Intellectual property payments 32 42 10
5.3.2 High-tech imports 66 70 4
5.3.3 ICT services imports 70 74 4
5.3.4 Foreign direct investment, net inflows 86 98 12
5.3.5 Research talent in business enterprise 31 n/a 31
6.1.5 Citable documents H index 22 23 1
6.2.1 Growth rate of GDP per person engaged 6 38 32
6.2.3 Total computer software spending 62 68 6
6.3.1 Intellectual property receipts 45 57 12
6.3.2 High-tech exports 37 39 2
6.3.4 Foreign direct investment, net outflows 60 92 32
7.1.1 Trademark application class count by origin 72 75 3
7.1.2 Industrial designs by origin 72 n/a 72
7.1.4 ICTs and organizational model creation 64 86 22
7.2.1 Cultural and creative services exports 45 59 14
7.2.2 National feature films produced 54 65 11
7.2.5 Creative goods exports 16 18 2
7.3.1 Generic top-level domains (gTLDs) 98 104 6
7.3.2 Country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs) 84 92 8
7.3.3 Wikipedia monthly edits 96 102 6
Indicators where Indias rank has decreased
Index Indicator 2016
Decrease By
1.2.2 Rule of law 66 63 3
2.1.2 Government expenditure on education per pupil, secondary 83 82 1
2.1.5 Pupil-teacher ratio, secondary 103 97 6
2.2.1 Tertiary enrolment 87 85 2
2.3.1 Researchers 77 75 2
3.2.3 Gross capital formation 18 14 4
4.1.1 Ease of getting credit 39 34 5
4.2.1 Ease of protecting minority investors 8 7 1
4.3.2 Intensity of local competition 96 88 8
5.1.3 GERD performed by business enterprise 45 43 2
5.2.1 University/industry research collaboration 49 48 1
5.2.2 State of cluster development 28 25 3
6.1.1 Patent applications by origin 54 53 1
6.1.2 PCT international applications by origin  51 49 2
6.2.2 New business density 101 99 2
6.2.4 ISO 9001 quality certificates 59 57 2
6.2.5 High-tech and medium high-tech output 36 32 4
7.1.3 ICTs and business model creation 87 84 3
7.2.3 Global entertainment and media market 59 58 1
Indicators where Indias rank has remained constant
Index Indicator 2016
1.1.2 Government effectiveness 82 82
2.1.4 Assessment in reading, mathematics, and science 62 62
3.1.3 Government's online service 57 57
3.1.4 Online e-participation 40 40
3.2.2 Logistics performance 52 52
6.1.4 Scientific and technical publications 77 77
6.3.3 ICT services exports 1 1
7.2.4 Printing and publishing output 84 84
7.3.4 Video uploads on YouTube 68 68
Indicators where Indias rank is not available
Index Indicator 2016
5.1.1 Employment in knowledge-intensive services n/a n/a
5.1.4 GERD financed by business enterprise n/a n/a
5.1.5 Females employed with advanced degrees n/a n/a
5.2.3 GERD financed by abroad n/a n/a
6.1.3 Utility model applications by origin n/a n/a
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